“incomplete or outdated documentation is a pervasive problem”
Bad ways of solving the problem
simple static site generators
“Good for non-coders”
WordPress, Drupal, etc.
“Good for developers”
Jekyll, Hugo, etc.
Zero structure
Docs-as-code… sort of
So who do we want to enable?
Of course, now we have two different groups we might want to enable and really two different approaches. And neither one is good for docs, or — actually — the people we claim to be “helping.”
We want to enable everyone.
Docs-as-code, with real doc tools
A tool built for all the weird docs things you’ll actually need
A workflow that fits what devs are doing
Clear setup instructions for new contributors
Automate as much as possible to eliminate friction
Starting with developers
I don’t believe any amount of making it easier is going to persuade a documentation-disinclined developer to suddenly decide to do it.
The problem for most developers
in relation to documentation writing is one of priorities and incentives.
an issue of empathy.
Tools and Process Must Fit Existing Workflow
Wood’s Third Law of Documentation
Docs tools and docs processes which do not fit well into the day-to-day coding experience of the developer are likely to be neglected.
— Adam Michael Wood
And what about those non-developers?
Let’s refine that category to:
People who do not currently know the common processes and tools necesary to contribute code to an open source project.
Thinking about new contributors
Their motivations for contributing.
Our responsibility to form new community members.
Why do people contribute to open source?
Career goals
What benefit does a new contributor get from light-weight tools and weak processes that are disconnected from the developer experience?
New contributors want to learn how to do this stuff.
They don’t want to edit Wiki pages.
And then there’s our responsibility.
We must not fail to pass on the skills and values that are needed to perpetuate our communities.
Documentation provides a unique opportunity for learning
Contributing code is hard
If you have ever written code for an existing project, you know how onerous local dev environment setup can be.
And then… once you have all that set up…
finding your way around a new code base,
finding an issue to work on that is at an appropriate difficulty level,
dealing with infinite failure paths…
And then, on top of that, we need people to learn about
and GitHub
and how to branch appropriately
and how to initiate a pull request
and how to deal with merge conflicts
Docs are EASY
(Compared to all that.)
(If you do it right.)
Docs as code, but not as hard as code
So far…
better for experienced devs
better for new contributors
better for the community
For certain definitions of “better”
But what about the docs themselves?
From the abstract
Any project larger than a small utility library needs real documentation tools. “Quick” tools like wikis and Jekyll blogs contribute to documentation debt as a organizing, editing, and adding content slowly become more onerous and disconnected from the developer experience.
Here’s the problem with Jekyll
(and Hugo and VuePress and Next and Gatsby and Hexo and GitBook and Pelican and Nanoc and Nikola and Octopress)
Ad hoc plugins, template snippets, extensions, and mixed markup proliferate
Here’s some markdown…
{% include important.html content="We will assume that you have `apoctl` installed, configured and **you have a valid token** in the rest of the documentation." %}
<div class="boxcontainer">
{% include box.html
title="Install apoctl"
content="Aporeto provides a command line tool named apoctl. You will need it throughout all the documentation, so let's get it installed."
link="installation_apoctl.html" label="Install apoctl"
{% include box.html
title="Configure Docker"
content="If you plan to install Enforcerd as a Linux service or run it as a standard Docker container, please follow these instructions before going any further. This step is not necessary for a Kubernetes or an OpenShift installation."
link="installation_configure-docker.html" label="Configure Docker"
Consistency is a serious problem
The solution:
Use a real documentation engine that also supports a docs-as-code workflow.
Semantic, lightweight plaintext format (restrucuredText)
robust cross referencing
built-in consistency checking
typical documentation constructs
Downsides to Sphinx
HTLM5 story is not great (captions/figures, for example)
plugin dev docs are not great
PDF generation is tricky, especially with tables
i18n and L10n aren’t amazing (but they are accounted for)
developers don’t like reStructuredText
Developers don’t like reStructuredText
But they don’t even complain about the right thing.
Developers who pride themselves on knowing several different programming languages that have different syntaxes, paradigms, ecosystems, and tools somehow can’t be bothered to take ten minutes to learn reStructuredText?
— Adam Michael Wood
It isn’t that hard.
// Markdown
I can *italic* or **bold** some text,
and [link to another page](/path/to/page#section-id).
// reStructured Text
I can *italic* or **bold** some text and
:ref:`link to another page <section-id>`.
And sometimes…
// Markdown (sort of)
{% include note.html
content="Some content of a note.<br><br>
Imagine if this was several paragraphs." %}
// reStructuredText
.. note::
Some content of a note
Imagine if this was several paragraphs
The overriding design goal for Markdown’s formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
- John Gruber
Let’s make this a bit more specific, and talk about what we actually did at Open Data Kit…